Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indy 2009

i need to say thanks to my brother and his family for letting me crash their place all last week. for christmas i gave myself a plane ticket to go see them in indiana. since he has been there for almost 6 years, and i have only been there once, i found it high time i go visit. it was so much fun. normally when i am away from home for a couple days, i start to count down the time until i get to be home. however, this time, i was gone almost a week, and honestly didn't want to go. i could have easily stayed another few days. i took sam with me, and he was pretty good on the flight there even with being diagnosed with 2 ear infections the friday before. on the way back however, it was a completely different story. he pretty much cried and screamed the whole flight back. i took him to the dr. on monday for his 15 month check up and he still had an ear infection in his right ear. no wonder. i felt horrible. last night we had a long one with now gooey puffy eyes, 101 temp, nasty nose and cough, and sore legs from his shots on monday. he seems to be feeling a bit better this morning...thank goodness.

anyway, here are some pics.


Lance and Kim said...

How fun--good for you! I hope Sam feels better soon.

Lori said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Poor Sam, I hope he is better now.