Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My bday

Have you ever felt like you really don't deserve the family and friends you have? I do. a. lot. Especially on a day like today. I feel so little compared to you all and the love you show me. Thanks to all of your phone calls today to wish me Happy Birthday. Really, to me it's just another day, but to feel the love from so many people makes my heart full. I don't know what my deal is. I am not a sappy person. Normally. I got a card from my mom that I will have until the day I die. Hopefully my sentimental Kelton won't throw it away when he goes through all my things. I am so incredibly blessed to have the family I do, both the one I was raised with and the one that I married into. I have such awesome friends. I still don't get how I got so lucky. My guess is they all signed up for a lifetime service project in the pre-existence....amy. Anyway, thank you for loving me (or pretending to-if you are pretending, maybe you should go to Hollywood cause you will make it big). Thanks.
over and out.


Shayleen Lunt said...

Boy, I sure am glad that I remembered to wish you a happy birthday so that when I read this post, I felt included ;)
Amy, really, you are surrounded by great people because, seriously!, you are a grrrreat person!

sarinah♥ said...

Lifetime service project...you are not kidding~Lol! We love ya over here at the Thompson household and are glad you had a great bday! Have you eaten your O bread...?

Lori said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a great one.

ellie said...

You are an amazing daughter!! Glad your day was great.

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