Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Soccer season

Another year of soccer has begun! This year we have a full size field and only 5 teams in the league-so it's more competitive. I have noticed Kelton needs to be juiced up before these games as he plays forward the whole time. Good rest, plenty of fluids etc. If per-se he wakes up in the middle of the night (2:30ish) and requests something to help him get to sleep, he probably shouldn't be given a whole melatonin from his mom. This would result in a "I need to walk everywhere I go" game at 9 am. Other than one slower game this year, Kelton is showing us once again what a little athlete he is.

bonus for us-there is a little playground right by the field!


Lucy Wall said...

SOCKS OVER SHIN GUARDS!!!!!!! its a pet peeve....i am sad i haven't been able to make a game!

Lori said...

He looks like a pro. I'm sure that park is a lifesaver for having a happier Sam, unless he doesn't get board watching.