Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Day of Sunbeams

As a former Sunbeam teacher, I really feel for Sam's new teachers. As we all know, he acts like he doesn't understand a word you are saying when he doesn't want to listen. He won't respond when asked a question. He is T-r-o-u-b-l-e. However, on a the good side, he does sit quietly in class and he loves to go. This last week he told me Claire pushed him in his tummy. I asked what he did and he said "Claire has prett dress. Claire a princess". Last night I asked him if he was excited to go, and he said. "Claire". Yes, Claire will be there... Then a smile from Sam.


sarinah♥ said...

could this possibly be a non cousin pitter patter of the heart strings kinds of things Woo Hoo Sam. On a more serious note...Sunbeams...he's getting too big,too fast :)

Shayleen Lunt said...

Woohoo Sammy! Oh how I wish he was in my primary so I could adore him sitting with the Sunbeams each week. His Sunbeam teacher is one lucky person if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

LOVE that kid....

ellie said...

What cute grandsons we have!!!!! I especially like the tie placement!!!