Monday, January 11, 2010

update on my toothbrush

you know after you brush your teeth (twice a day except for my brother matt man who does it a million) and your teeth are all smooth and it feels oh so good. well this toothbrush is better. it's like a million times better. my teeth are all slimy like when you first get your braces off (erica-the most recent family member knows the feeling)? they are totally slimy and slippery. it is so weird the difference a good, expensive brush and a not expensive toothbrush. i am sure it would still get smooth slimy teeth if i stood and timed myself better, however i am sold on the rest of the family getting this new oral-b. sorry crest battery brushes, you were just out done by the oral-b triumph 9200.

in other news, i pulled my hair back tonight, not like any other looks like my cool sisters hair would when she pulls it back, except for now her hair is longer, but if she had shorter hair like mine it would look like this. these pictures don't do it justice. i took 23 (yes, michelle i did a tilt to your best side, down a little, to the side a little and smiled with my eyes-still can't do it) but anyway, i don't want to go to bed and ruin the good pull back.

and i wanted my picture on michelle's sidebar.


Michelle said...

it looks smashing! well done on the face tilt. you put your own spin on the smeyes.

Britney said...

i want one. and the bottom picture is great.

Shayleen Lunt said...

OH MY HECK! We have the same freaking shower curtain!!!! I think.
I would like a step by stap on the pull-back hair do. Mine might be getting long enough for it. :)

Unknown said...

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