Monday, January 4, 2010

a boof

(no shell this isn't about bobby the)

Sam has been using the potty off and on for the last couple weeks. I'm not pushing it since it really isn't a big deal for us either way right now. However, the last 3 days have been interesting....
pee in diaper
a boof mom a boof(bath)
get in bath
yuck mom yuck
uphi (a poty) (peed in the bath)
get out
empty tub
fill tub (about 4 inches)
get in again
get out in 5 minutes.
poop in pull up
get in bath
yuck mom yuck
get out
get in
get out
this goes on and on and on ALL DAY LONG-every time he wets his pull up
So, maybe peeing in the poty will be a little more of a priority since when he does that he doesn't request a boof every time.
Over and out


Michelle said...

ummm....yes that is about bobby!

Lori said...

ya, I would say being potty trained sounds a lot better than that. Good luck.