Thursday, December 31, 2009


Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad Wall's house...

football signed by the BYU football team from Grandpa Wall!

I love this picture of Dave and Addie

Christmas morning. Kelton was awesome and didn't get up until 7. Santa came! What a fun day we had. We had family come visit and relaxed all day. I am so grateful for the family I have and so don't deserve. Sam's "car"
Kelton opening his DS from Grandma Johnson

yes, I got a new laptop and a new camera (wonder what shad is going to be saying he "needs")


Shayleen Lunt said...

omg. A new laptop and computer? Spoiled! ;)
Looks like you were all on Santa's good list!!!

Lori said...

Looks like a great christmas. Those DS were a hot item, all my nephews got one also. I love Sam's car, I wish we had a house w/ a garage so we could get one for Gav. They are so much fun. He is a pro all ready, it looks like.