Friday, February 26, 2010

the bed

i have been bugging shad for 8 years now to tear down our awful built in bed. i decided today was the day i would do it while he was at work.... i was making progress and was freaking out about shad getting home and seeing the absolute destruction i have rings 5:15... it's our realtor and someone wants to see the house at 6. i will update how shad's reaction is later. if i am still alive to do so.


Shayleen Lunt said...

Uhm...WTH?! You guys have your house on the market????????????
I didn't have a clue. AND I have even talked to Shad TWICE in the last two weeks (that is a record). How did it go???

sarinah♥ said...

Oh my @#%*!!!!! I could have come and helped you!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! I'm with Sarinah... I would have helped. Can't wait for the story

Lori said...

Oh my goodness, talk about bad timing. I want the rest of the story. I didn't know your house was for sale. Where are you guys wanting to move to?

Anonymous said...

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