Monday, July 26, 2010

A pee pee

Sam has been 95% dry for the last 2 weeks! He still hasn't had a "bowel movement" in the potty, but still!
I told him he had to sit and go pee before we left to go to grandma's house...he sat for a good 5 minutes, got up and said,

"mom, a peepee broken! peepee broken!" as he looked down at himself and pulled up his pullups.
Can't make a kid go when it's broken for crying out loud.


Britney said...

Ha! He is hilarious.

Shayleen Lunt said...

Oh dear! I hope it doesn't require costly repair!
CONGRATULATIONS to Sammy! I remember Olivia being petrified of pooping in the pot. Hope he goes soon.
Too bad that a newly potty trained kid tends to be more work than if they were just in diapers. At least it's cheaper.
Sounds like he needs some boxer briefs!

Lori said...

LOL, that is so funny. I would say so. Way to go Sam, anyway. I'm glad he is ready to start doing it for you now.

xXx said...

I concur! YOU CANT!! ITS BROKEN! :)