Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amy's Awesomeness

Sometimes I surprise myself at how unlucky I am. I know I have man feet/toes, therefore I should know to watch where they are, how they are covered etc. Who would have thought that getting soap for the dishwasher would turn into this??
oh, and yes, I know I need a pedicure BAD. I have a gift card, just haven't done it.

First, isn't this the most lovely laundry room ever?

It's like a flashback to last year! However, that was my big toe, and this is the mere piggy who had roast beef. The nail piece that is broken is attached to a chunk of skin on top of my toe. This photo is from day 3. Gross, I know. Sometimes I share too much. Sue me.


Anonymous said...

a few thoughts....
I too thought- FLASHBACK.
The mere piggy... made me laugh out loud.
and yes WE need pedi's (when we going?)
OUCH- hope its feeling better:/

Shayleen Lunt said...

Yep, I was wondering if you were posting pics from a previous war wound. OUCH! Hopefully Sammy didn't catch all the cus words that may or may not have flown. Hope your piggy's roast beef heals up soon!
Oh and yes, that is a very nice laundry room.
Oh and you do not have man toes. I've always thought they were fine. You wanna see man toes? I could send you a picture of mine (I never wore sandels that showed my toes until college...that is how much I love my toes).

Lucy Wall said...

Gross Amy!!! really you should get the clown shoes with the big toe area...they would help! ps if you go get a pedi let me know I want to take add, she would love it!