Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What 20 minutes just gave me

I sit working, Shad watching storage wars, Kelton reading, Sam... quiet in my room with the door closed. I decide enough working for the day. I walk into kitchen, find cracker crumbs all over the floor. Sam found the crackers that were opened by Kelton an our or two ago for his chicken noodle (he loooooves the progressive chicken noodle fyi). I walk into my bedroom to find Sam to help me pick up said crackers and find him licking the container seasoning salt. I must tangent here. My father taught me the treat of a little seasonal. I used to love it when we had BBQ just so I can have a little salt on my hand to lick off. I wouldn't get into the cupboard to lick it, but waited until the BBQ was going. Thanks dad, I still love it. Anyhow, I passed this love onto Kelton, who then passed it onto Sam. Tradition maybe? I have locks on the cupboard that hold the salt because Sam loves to climb on the counters and get into the medicine cabinet, get his own cup, get into the seasonal etc. I haven't been so good at locking the cabinet lately. Now back to the bedroom. As I walk in I hear, "sorry mom, sorry" and he jumps up with the salt (still in his mouth) and runs to the kitchen. I grab the dustbuster, Sam picks up the big pieces of crackers while I dustbust. Then onto the bedroom to try to get most of the seasonal off the sheets. I want to just change them, but then salt will get all over the floor. I just purchased new higher count sheets, and shaved my legs this morning, so I really wanted to go to sleep in this heaven. You know new sheets (cleaned this afternoon), soft legs.. AHHHH I can just feel it. Too bad I will have to wait another day.
I return to the laundry room to put away the dust buster, when the light bulb goes out. Ok, I will change the light. No problem. Since I am changing this one, might as well change the one outside that went out last week. Go outside in the wind, bare foot with the chair to change the light bulb. I can't get the darn thing to stay screwed on. After about 5 minutes of attempting, I get off the chair thinking I would go get a stool to put on the chair ( I have done this before, with no problems-thankyouverymuch). As I am getting down-wobble wobble wobble. The light fixture falls, hits the chair, my leg, the the gound. Busted. They are only 5 bucks at the store, but really? It's 10o'clock at night, and all I wanted to do was sit and read my book for book group Thursday night (which I am only on page 167 of 425) after I finished folding a load of clothes. It's now 10:27 and I never even folded the clothes. Now off to get the boys in bed.
I know I have a lot of parenthesis here. Whatever. Right now I don't care.


Anonymous said...

good hell.... you make me laugh. Sorry for the bad evening :(. but i have to say, with your track record I don't think you should be on stools on chairs- just sayin

sarinah♥ said...

I am in agreement with Mckell....what in the H E double toothpicks were you doing standing on a chair trying to change anything...P.S. New(clean) sheets are great,arent they!!