Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 1

Kelton is 12, Sam is 4, and this is our first actual family vacation we have taken. Mom and dad took us to Disney, we have gone to Yellowstone with the Johnsons, gone camping, and the boys and I have gone to Washington, but this is the first real one we have taken, just us to a far away place for a week. It was one of the best things I have ever done. Day 1 was driving. Approximately 1 hour into the drive Sam asked us if we were almost there yet. When Shad chuckled and said no, we have a while, the response was, ooohhh man! Why is it taking so long! We hadn't even reached Nephi yet. Besides this question about every hour, the ride was pleasant. The boys got tired of each other once and a while, but we would stop and take a break when it got a little much. These pictures are not so good, but it was day 1! Yes, Sam is using his stethoscope as a straw. Gross.


Anonymous said...

Sam seriously CRACKS ME UP! haha. so glad you got to go on this little vacation!

Shayleen Lunt said...

Excited to hear all about it!