Thursday, May 15, 2008

What the

What do you get when Sam sleeps from 10 at night, until 6 in the morning? You get Amy like she has just had 2 liters of caffeine. He did it! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night he woke up around 3, I stuck a bink in his mouth ,untangled his legs from the slats in the crib, made a bottle, and by then he was back out without even eating. I guess he wasn't really that hungry. I woke up about 5:30 this morning with a panicky feeling since I hadn't heard him yet. I went and took a peek at him, and sure enough we was snoring away! I am so happy to have finally hit this milestone.

Happy late mothers day to all the mothers out there reading this. I want to say how incredibly grateful I am for my mom and for the 33 years she has put up with me. I know I am not the easiest person ever, and I love being close to her now. I am also thankful for my great mother in law. You hear horror stories of mother in laws, but I don't understand where those people are coming from. I couldn't have asked for a more compassionate and cool one.

Kelton only has two more weeks left of school, then on to 3rd grade already. I can't believe how time flies. He and Shad are leaving after school today to go camping. Kelton had to "practice" sleeping on the queen air mattress the other night just to make sure he would be ok sleeping on it in the mountains. I think it was really an excuse not to go down to his room. After a short spell on it myself, I wonder why we don't just put it up in our room and sleep on that instead of our princess full size bed. He is so excited to go with Shad and explore. I am excited to hear the stories about it and actually see how long he lasts up there.

His first sippy cup.

This was last week, before the 2nd tooth cut. You need to look close. Yes, that is food in his mouth.

Hopefully not too filthy for you to look at,brothers in the bath.


Shayleen Lunt said...

Hooray, Hooray, Hooray! (I'm doing my Hooray kids know it quite well) I am sure you feel like a new woman! Happy Camping to Shad and Kelton. We were going to go last weekend, but some drizzling rainscared us away!
Kelton is so cute in the bath with his little bro~

Britney said...

Watch out next he will be walking and speaking in full sentences!!
I'm glad you finally get to sleep - I know the feeling!!

By the way - I love Amy on two liters of caffeine. Just pop me an Excedrin and we'll have a party!!