Wednesday, September 3, 2008


K-mom, next year when i start 4th grade, can you ask the teacher to call me KJ?
me-yes, do you want me to write a note to miss threet and ask her the same?
me-do you want us to call you that?
me-ok, i will start calling you KJ
K-if you don't feel comfortable doing that, it's ok mom, you can still call me kelton, i still like my name, but i think KJ sounds cool and i feel more comfortable when people call me that.
me-ok. do lots of people call you that?
k-a lot of my friends do. i didn't tell them to, they just do
me-ok, i will start calling you kj, kj
k-k, thanks mom

on a side note, shad picked out his name, and i think he is a bit bummed, so i don't know what he will do, but if those of you that read this, will start calling kelton kj he would like it. he has talked about it for a while, and now i guess he wants to go by that.:)


Lori said...

That is cute. But I would be a little bummed too if Gavin wanted to go by a different name.

xXx said...

WEll SHIT! I didnt get a choice in the changing MY name department. MANDY. PSH! How Lame!
I am changing my name too:
I would appreciate it if from now on you addressed me as Princess Polka-Dot Underpants... Unless you are uncomfortable with that... I will totally understand.

Shayleen Lunt said...

haha...that Amanda girl is funny.
I wonder what Grandma J & H will think of that! I have to be makes me sad. I will try to remember it when I'm there in a month though. If I forget...remind me :)
ps I'm afraid if I try to explain this name change to Olivia, she'll want to try something like it...look what you've started!

sarinah♥ said...

mmmmmmm,I'm not sure what I think of that. I didnt get much of a choice either, in the name dept. There were definite days I wanted to, though. So, we'll see.