Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baseball 2009

Today is the opening ceremonies for little league baseball 2009! WOOOOT WOOOT! Kelton got his Yankees uniform on Thursday and we are ready to go! He had a practice game on Monday night, so here are the pictures from that. He played shortstop and pitcher. I think I was more nervous about the pitching than he was. He was throwing a lot of low and outside, then when he accidetnly threw one high and inside and hit the batter, he realized all was going to be ok. After that it was strike after strike. He struck out 1, walked 2, hit 1, the rest hit the ball. It was soo fun. On the batting side, he walked the first time, then stole all the way around! The second time, he had a great hit, but they caught it. If you can't tell, I am sooo excited!

waiting for turn at batting






grandpa and sam


Lori said...

Those are good pics. I am glad the first day went well. I can't wait until I get to go to Gavin's sports.

Britney said...

How fun! I can't wait to see him play! The boys will LOVE it.

xXx said...

Amy - You just sit your ass down and act like a NORMAL parent, DO YOU HEAR ME!? lol ha ha!
Thats so fun! Maybe I will come down and see a game and get some yelling out.
LOVE the pic of Sam and Gpa. :)

Shayleen Lunt said...

Way to go Kelton! That is exciting that he struck someone out and stole so many bases! That picture of your dad and Sam is adorable. Okay, question...can you put the lens of the camera through a link in the fence to get pics? Maybe that isn't allowed, but just a thought.
Love you guys!