Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kelton is getting too old

I haven't posted a family thing in a while, I just didn't think I could beat my Milli Vanilli post. Anyway, Kelton has had a big couple of weeks. First, he got to go up in a "bucket" with dad. Shad helped his dad trim a neighbors tree last weekend.

Second, he had his school program. I don't think I even want to go there. He told me he wasn't going to sing OR do the hand motions, and I thought he was kidding. Mom came all the way up from Spanish to watch him stand there. I was ticked. I told him after school, that he had to do 2nd grade singing all over again since he didn't follow directions. He said he didn't know it was part of his grade and that it was my fault cause I didn't tell him...AHHHHH. He is such a good student, I can't believe he just stood there. He did say his part perfectly. :)

Next, he decided he wanted to make his own pancakes to show me he knows the
"safety of the stove". He was so proud of himself and I of him. We have since gone through almost a whole box of pancake batter (I could never eat another pancake and be fine).

I got a phone call from the school on Tuesday saying Kelton was receiving the 2nd grade "citizenship" award at the awards assembly and they wanted me there. They didn't want him to know, so I had to keep a secret which was hard. On Thursday morning, I asked him to watch Sam while I hopped in the shower, he says "why is it such a big deal for you to get in the shower right this minute, it's not like you are going anywhere today". Then I began to wonder why he can be such an angel at school, then like that at home. Anyway, when he came in with his class and saw me sitting there, he new something was up, he wouldn't stop asking his teacher about what was going to happen and was all nervous because he knew he was going to have to go up front. I started bawling, and had to turn away. He is just getting too old.

Friday was his last day of school. His teacher gave him a DVD of this years activities set to music. It was a great idea. He has watched it now at least a half a dozen times. Each time, his eyes well up and he tells me how much he loved Miss LeeMaster and how much he is going to miss his friends.

Saturday morning was the annual Pleasant Grove Fireman's breakfast. We awoke early to the fire alarms going off, and walked over for some eggs, ham, pancakes, and hash browns. It was fun looking at the ambulances and fire trucks. lol.

Finally, after the fireman's breakfast, Sam and I settled down for a nap. Kelton asked me if he could go for a ride on his scooter. He has been going to the end of our block the past couple weeks, so I said yes. I got up from the couch to make sure he came back OK, and he was gone for like 15-20 minutes. I assumed he went to the neighbors house to play, then the phone rang from grandma Harper's house. He rode all the way there. I could have killed him! We talk a lot about stranger danger and each time, he passes until I ask him what he would do if someone had a picture of a dog and wanted some help looking for it he says: "I would just ignore them, unless they looked nice, then I would help". Hence, the Amy worry. Last week he walked to her house, but I drove behind him the whole way. It totally annoyed him, but I had to do it. He didn't want me following this time, so he just didn't tell me where he was going.

It's now Sunday night, no school starting tomorrow. I am so excited to be home this summer with him. I just hope he doesn't cause me as much worry as he has the last couple weeks.

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