Sunday, June 1, 2008

this is the third time trying to get these pictures up

since i wasn't done with that last post, but good ol blogger thought i was and proceeded to delete everything i have done in the last hour 2 different times, i will finish here.

Last night we attended a graduation/birthday party for a friend's daughter. Kelton got a great swing at the pinata.

the citizenship award up close.

A shout out to Brandon for high school graduation and getting your Eagle. We are so proud of you and we will miss you like crazy!

Last of all, a post wouldn't be a post without a few pictures of Sam.

with one of Kelton's old shirts
with dad at Brandon's Court of Honor. With those matching hairlines, I don't think you need to ask if I know the mailman (or the milkman for that matter).
aunt Shonte with Grandma Harper in the background
with new favorite toy, the "mote"


xXx said...

I just love your pictures and posts!

Shayleen Lunt said...

Oh my goodness, what I treat I have woken up to this morning!!! Thanks so much for these great posts! I dind't think you could top milli vanilli either, but you did! I love that picture of Shad and Sam! Hip, Hip, Hooray for Kelton and his citizenship award! That shower statement sounds like something Shad would say. That wouldn't be the Glazier's house would it?
I must say that I could never get pancakes right until this last year. I used to practice in college by myself and still did a horrible job at it. Kelton is a pro - look at those "flipping" skills.