Friday, December 5, 2008

i am loved-however wish i wasn't by this one

i made a smart move almost 8 years ago to go to work for Dr. Brenden R. White. we opened a new office and have grown the practice to almost 1 million a year in gross revenue. we started with just the 2 of us, now there are 6 and 1 other doctor too! last year when i had sam he let me take my work home and work whenever it's convenient for me. i get to log on at midnight and do my billing, or i can get on at noon. it is so awesome. i have the best boss ever and couldn't be more lucky. this is possible for we have such awesome people working there now that i am truly not needed. this fantastic coworker sends my things every few days so i don't have to drive up and get it. the whole reason for this post is.....

no those aren't lips from mandy, those are lips from the postal worker next door to our office. you see, i used to take the mail over every day. of course we would small talk and such. but don't you think this is a bit much? i wish i could go on about how much this totally grosses me out, but i don't feel right explaining exactly why since you never know who is reading this.... anyhow, i just wanted everyone to know that i get packages every few days that look like the above. too bad it isn't from a keith urban or shad would have a run for his money


Shayleen Lunt said...

Maybe your co-worker needs to start addressing those envelopes to Shad Johnson. That might stop the kissy, kissy's.
I know this isn't your first stalker deal well ;)

Lori said...

wow, that is too much. i would be creeped out too. I agree with Shayleen's suggestion.

xXx said...

ICK! I just got the heeby-jeebies all over again. That man is SOOO nasty. maybe I will sneak a picture of him for you :) EEEWWWW