Monday, December 1, 2008

yadda yadda

wish i had more pictures, but i got a new camera/dvd from the in laws and i am still trying to figure out how to download and bla bla bla.

have you ever realized what your parents were going through when you went on dates? so last night my brother called asking if i had heard from my parents, i told him no, but i tried to call them earlier and they didn't answer. he told me that he and his family had been waiting at our parents house for 2 hours and they weren't there. he said both of their phones were sitting on the counter, along with mom's purse, and there was a stew on the oven that was boiling. now, it wouldn't be unusual for their phones to be there, but mom's purse, and especially the stew? i began to panic. i told shad and bless his heart, he asked if i wanted to drive down there (he asked from the bathroom-where he lived all day yesterday). i decided no, they are big, they probably went for a drive and lost track of time. however the stove kept bugging me. i literally felt sick. my chest was hurting with panic that they went for a short ride and went into a ravine, were kidnapped, or hurt somewhere. i was about ready to start calling hospitals to see if they were there, but then thought mom's purse is in the house, their phones are in the house, how will anyone know who to contact. then i realized that our home phone wasn't charged enough and if they were trying to call us by looking in the phone book for our number, i wouldn't get the call. after about a half hour of total freak out (but not in front of kj-otherwise he would freak out) i called my brother to see if they were back yet, and sure enough they were. they went for a drive, she thought she turned the stove off, but really she just put a lid on the pot. lol. moral to the story, i now know what it will feel like when my kids go out, and i haven't heard from them and they are late. don't do that again.

sam is cutting 4 teeth right now. he is such a trooper. i have tried to take a few pictures of them poking out, but he doesn't really want to cooperate with me. you can see the little points all over in there. it's pretty funny.

thanksgiving was awesome. i haven't had thanksgiving with my family since shad and i started dating, actually before that, but not sure if it was just once before that or what. we have been married 10 years, so that is 11 thanksgivings. i always thought it felt weird having thanksgiving somewhere else, but i realized that it was weird having it somewhere else this year. oh, don't get me wrong, being together with my parents was fantastic, but i realized that just because you aren't with your "blood" family, doesn't make the day any different. i ate way too much, hung out with my family, relaxed, played with the kids, and had an all around fantastic time. i'm thinking next year i will have to do both families. i missed the johnson's, but don't want to miss the wall family thanksgiving either. oh life is so rough.

i am so thankful for my family, for a house that is warm (may be small-but it's warm), i am so happy that i get to work from home so i can be here while sam is cutting more teeth. i love picking up kj from school everyday, and i love that my parents are living here in utah. life is really, really good.


Lori said...

I would have been totally freaked out also. Way to not rush to their house, I know I would want to also. I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving.

Shayleen Lunt said...

Haha! I looks like we picked the same background. You are so fun Amy! I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. That is one hard thing about living close to both sides of the family though...picking one. Glad your parents were just fine and I hope Shad has moved out of the bathroom.

Britney said...

wasn't something (someone) missing from your thanksgiving? I love the self portrait!