Friday, May 8, 2009

bathtub take 2

the pictures from the previous post were on Wed. night i think.... shad and kelton are gone, and it's bath time. i put sam in, wash his hair, wash his body....sit on the toilet to watch him play.....grunt grunt grunt. poop. again. nice. new bath toys, garbage, clean towel in the wash, sam back in the bath. i feel like i have it on me! anyway.


The Wacky Wilkins said...

That is one of my biggest fears. If the girls even look like they may need to poop they are immediately removed. So so . . . so sorry!

But it's super funny to read about . . . twice.

Shayleen Lunt said...

Amy - Don't know what happened to that picture of Shad stuck in the mud puddle, but WOW! How did he get out of that mess???