Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy mothers day to all you mothers out there! I love being a mom, and hope I can be as good as my own mother, and mother in law some day. Today after getting up with Sam, I made sure to make enough racket so Shad would wake up and I could go back to bed. SUCCESS. I woke up to the boys about an hour later with 3 plates of food. Shad made a breakfast sandwich (which was so good, but it was really what he wanted), french toast (which is what i asked for), and Kelton made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with bannas and a hersheys kiss on top. It. was. delicious. I have had a great day so far and am heading down to moms for dinner, then to mom johnson's after. Woot woot!

This is a picture from Max's baptism last week.

Yesterday Shad and his buddies took the dogs out to get a bear, and this is what ended up happening instead.

they made it out safe and sound, but oh so sad, no bear.


sarinah♥ said...

WOW! You are your mom in that pic!!!

Shayleen Lunt said...

Cute family picture! I'm so glad that you had a great breakfast and that Shad made it out of that mess so that he do the Mother's Day stuff for ya! I can't believe what a mess that looks like it was...does his truck still run?
ps Do you REALLY like pb&j w/bananas?

Lori said...

Happy Mother's Day! I am glad it has been a good one. I can't believe Max is old enough to get baptized. It goes fast. Scary about the truck. I'm glad everyone got out okay.

Anonymous said...

Cute family picture. . .
I am so impressed the guys are finally thinking about blogging and not just hunting while on the mountain- keep the pictures coming boys-lol.
Happy Mother's Day

The Wacky Wilkins said...

Ha ha ha ha!! I had to gasp when initially looking at the pics, but it can be funny since they all made it out okay! Love the family pic!