Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sam 1 Year Stats

We ventured to the doctors office yesterday for Sam's 1 year check up. He comes in at 21(24%) pounds, 30.6 inches(78%), and his melon is 19 inches(93%).... I have been trying to decide what to do for his birthday and couldn't decide what to do. I think I didn't want to make a decision because that meant he was really going to turn 1. I feel like we have had him forever, yet it only feels like yesterday that I was counting down the days, hours, minutes until he arrived. I am so thankful for him and for all that he has taught me so far. KJ has been the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. I honestly thought he would get sick of a little baby getting into his things,and taking so much of my attention, however, I often find him a little weepy if he doesn't get to play with him right away in the morning, or after school. It is so fun to watch them together. I am so very lucky to have them both.

For those of you I may have spaced, you are all invited to have cake and ice cream Sunday at 6 at our house, in case of rain (which looks very probable) we will have it at Grandma J's house. Please don't bring anything, he is already spoiled enough. His official birthday is Saturday and we plan on just hanging out and going for a walk to get some fries(his favorite) or something.

KJ is doing awesome in flag football and we are LOVING his games. He scored on Tuesday,he is such a natural.


xXx said...

For reals this time. My new years resolution is going to be to get knocked up and have a girl so she cam marry Sam.

Lori said...

He is a healthy boy and so cute.